FrontPanel API 5.3.6
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NOpalKellyNamespace containing public Opal Kelly functions and classes
 CBufferFixed size buffer used for passing data to/from script functions
 CFrontPanelDevicesAllows to iterate over and open all devices available in the given realm
 CFrontPanelManagerClass for managing device connections and disconnections
 CCallbackInfoHelper used for device monitoring by FrontPanelManager
 CProgressCallbackAllows to receive progress notifications during FPGA configuration
 CScriptEngineAllows to load scripts and run functions defined in them
 CAsyncResultHandlerResult handler for asynchronous operations
 CScriptValueRepresents a value passed to a scripting function or returned from it
 CScriptValuesA collection of script values
 CokCDeviceSensorsRepresents the set of read-only sensors available on certain devices
 CokCDeviceSettingsRepresents the set of settings stored in the given device
 CokCFrontPanelThis class encapsulates the functionality of an Opal Kelly FrontPanel-enabled device including FPGA configuration, PLL configuration, and FrontPanel endpoint access
 CokCPLL22150Container class which holds the appropriate configuration parameters for a Cypress 22150 PLL
 CokCPLL22393Container class which holds the appropriate configuration parameters for a Cypress 22393 PLL
 CokTDeviceInfoDescribes several attributes of a connected device
 CokTDeviceSensorDescribes a single device sensor reading
 CokTFlashLayoutDescribes the layout of an available flash memory
 CokTFPGAResetProfileDescribes the sequence of events to perform after an FPGA configuration
 CokTRegisterEntryDescribes a single register update
 CokTTriggerEntryDescribes a single trigger entry in a reset profile

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