FrontPanel API 5.3.6
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Error Codes

This page contains generalized error codes returned by the API.

Below is a generalized list of our current error codes and a brief description.

NoError 0 Success!
Failed -1 Non-descript failure. Often due to a lower-level operating system failure.
Timeout -2 Transfer timed out.
DoneNotHigh -3 Configuration failure due to DONE not high.
TransferError -4 Transfer error. Often due to a lower-level operating system failure.
CommunicationError -5 Communication error. Often due to a lower-level operating system failure.
InvalidBitStream -6 Configuration bitstream is invalid.
FileError -7 File could not be opened. Check paths and assumptions.
DeviceNotOpen -8 Device is not open or is no longer available.
InvalidEndpoint -9 Invalid FrontPanel endpoint. See the FrontPanel documentation for endpoint ranges.
InvalidBlockSize -10 Invalid Block Size. See the API documentation for details.
I2CRestrictedAddress -11 See the API documentation for details.
I2CBitError -12 See the API documentation for details.
I2CNack -13 See the API documentation for details.
I2CUnknownStatus -14 See the API documentation for details.
UnsupportedFeature -15 The requested action is not supported. Often this means that an improper parameter was offered to the API. Check the API documentation and make sure you’re following all parameter requirements for lengths, etc.
FIFOUnderflow -16 Transfer FIFO issue. PCI Express devices only.
FIFOOverflow -17 Transfer FIFO issue. PCI Express devices only.
DataAlignmentError -18 Transfer alignment error. PCI Express devices only.
InvalidResetProfile -19 Reset profile is invalid. Check and validate parameters.
InvalidParameter -20 Please check the API documentation.
OperationInProgress TBD Returned if another API function is still in progress. This can happen if two threads make overlapping calls to the same FrontPanel object. If this happens, the connection to the device is immediately closed so that subsequent calls will see DeviceNotOpen.

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